Applying To College: How To Get In, College Application And Essay Tips

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Applying To College: How To Get In, College Application And Essay Tips - Write My Paper


Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

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Applying To College: How To Get In, College Application And Essay Tips - Online Custom Essay Writing Service

Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

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Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look

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Applying to College: How To Get In, College Application and Essay Tips

hey guys it's Alex. today I am doing a video on how to apply for college. that is going to be based off of how to write an essay to filling out the application and how to get into a school I know we are all wondering what the formula is - how to get into your dream school and to be honest there really isn't any but till if you listen to this video I'm gonna give you some helpful tips and tricks on how you can achieve that. the first thing you want to do when you're applying to college usually most applicants that are either going into their senior year or already in their senior year I recommend getting started with your application process this summer before your senior year it gives you enough time to kind of write out your essays figure out who's going to do your recommendations fill out the application can I figure out how everything is going to go for you. when you get to your senior year it's kind of a breeze to just go through the application process and get everything fine-tuned. you want to pick some schools first of all obviously. I recommend doing 3 to 5 I personally did 14 and I know you guys are probably like what 14 that's kind of ridiculous by a different process because I'm going into musical theater. in addition to doing an application process I had to do an audition process as well. in order to do that I had to have enough options in case things didn't go on the audition spectrum. I did 14 schools but I think 3 to 5 is a really great amount for just an average college student. you'll want to have 3 options and what I mean that is there's three tiers of schools that you can kind of label them as and that is a safety a fit and a reach a safety is a school that you know hands down you can get into that you could fit into well and your academic requirements are really really great for that school if it is something that you think you will also fit into the spectrum well with your grades and your AC trs-80 for example there Academical requirements are a 3.5 and you have a 3.5 GPA and then they're a CT score is really really close to yours and our reach is something that's maybe out of your range academically but you still really really want to try. for some people that might be an Ivy League school and for other people it might be something that just has higher academic requirements and what they have. I really recommend doing that. it's kind of balanced out. you have enough options on which school you want to attend and also this kind of guarantees you a place to get into at least one school once you have your colleges picked out you'll want to go into each of their websites and find out what the requirements are for applying usually it's just an average application which is like your address your name your a CT score and that kind of stuff and then you also are going to have some essay requirements now essays are really really tricky because every school is usually pretty different on what they want for their essay luckily for me I was able to use common app org I will put a link below and if you are applying to multiple schools common app is basically this application thing for multiple schools. for example if you're applying for three schools and they are all featured on common app just a side note not all schools to go through common apps. it's kind of tricky but if you're doing three schools they're all on Common App you can all get on common app you will pay your application fee through there you will also have the same essay for every school and some of the schools will have different like questions that you will have to do but for the most part the main essay is going to be the exact same thing now when you're writing your essay you want to make it as personal as possible some schools have essays that are why do you want to go to our school and some schools have some things as simple as a personal statement most schools that I did had a personal statement I only have a few that had why do you want to go to our school but the personal statement needs to be really as personal as possible I know that sounds like. self-explanatory but a lot of people I think the mistake they make when writing their personal statement is that it's all focused on academics and why it's. important for them to go to college and their academic background trying to sort of show off their academic things which is really really great in the college application process except for this certain essay this certain essay gives you a moment to sort of shine and show your personality if you're really funny make it comedic you can really write an essay about how the Star Wars movies have a your life can be simple things like that or just something that happened in your past for example if you went to a different country for two years that's something awesome to write about because not everyone's done that try to err on the side that everyone has the same idea for their personal statement and try to find something as unique as possible to you now usually schools do not open their applications until August or September or sometime in the fall but you can get started on the requirements which is an essay. I highly recommend that once you get your essay written you will want to have it proofed like 10 million times. I took mine too I think to English teachers and also some college students college students are really helpful in the application process because they went through it. they're able to pick through things in your essay that maybe you didn't find also English teachers are really great with grammar when doing recommendations you want to find people who know you really well some schools will have you have no recommendations and some will have you have three. I really recommend having enough options and you don't want to be asking the same person all the time for a recommendation I had mine pretty generalized since I was doing. many schools but I had an English teacher and I also had I think my speech coach because there are people that knew me really well that's really important that they know your character really well and you as a person if they don't it's going to be kind of just a general recommendation if they don't know really well like yeah they're a great student take them at your school versus you know naming off certain character traits or certain accomplishments that you've had that are really gonna make you stand out if you are applying to three or five local schools around you it is definitely a good idea to visit before doing the application process just to get sort of a vibe of the school however if you are going to a school really far away from me I'm from the Midwest and the school I am ending up going to is in New York a really good idea that I found was when you were applying not to visit until after you received your admission decision because if you spend all that money to go out and visit a school and then you later get a rejection it's just gonna be a real big waste of time for you and it's gonna really suck if you that's cool and it's not even really an option. I definitely recommend waiting for those admission decisions to come in before visiting the school also something I recommend since this college application process can get pretty tricky is getting a three-ring binder and putting in page dividers and naming it off by school and then putting the requirements in there and also the deadlines because you do not want to miss a deadline on an application also I know another thing in the college application process is scholarships how do you get scholarships this is a huge question because college is hella expensive and unless we sell my for us to pay for it. for me at least for scholarships I got mostly academic ones from my school and what happened with those is they just sent me them after I send in my academic stuff like my a CT score because a lot of schools have scholarships based on your a CT and your GPA it has a minimum you can usually check those out on their website and you know like see what kind of scholarship you can have or there's usually net price calculators that sort of thing another thing that they do offer is scholarships through the school. for example they might have a communication degree scholarship that you can apply for usually those sort of scholarships you have to send in an SF or si and an application for and also you can get into an Honors Program which can add on some scholarship money which is really great and usually you can get accepted into an Honors Program after sending in your initial application but sometimes it does require separate applications. it's really important to sort those out. what you need to remember during this crazy process is to stay organized and be you there is nothing better than an authentic applicant in the college application process and they won't love you if you're adjust yourself on a piece of paper I know it's really hard to try to express yourself through maybe just an application or an essay but trust me you can do it if you put the work into it I'm also going to open up the floor at this point for any question. put any questions below and I'll be sure to answer them thank you guys. much for watching and I'll see you next time it's. soft and fluffy and look


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