Comparing My Undergrad Experience At Ucla Vs Ucsb

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Comparing My Undergrad Experience At Ucla Vs Ucsb - Write My Paper



hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys

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Comparing My Undergrad Experience At Ucla Vs Ucsb - Online Custom Essay Writing Service


hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys

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hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys


hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys


hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys


hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys

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hey guys. a few of you have asked me if I could make a video comparing the two colleges that I went to. I went to UCLA for my freshmen and sophomore year I took a year off to start my business and then I went to UCSB and that's where I ended up graduating from for another Cheers. well first of all like just I guess the location. UCLA is obviously in Los Angeles and UCSB is in Santa Barbara which is two hours north of Los Angeles I grew up in San Francisco. I didn't know how to drive when I came to college I learned when I was like 20 29 yeah I think I was 20 when I got my driver's license. I guess the first comparison is like LA is like a really like you kind of need a car it's really like how do I describe lots of cars not not really decent really good public transportation not to not to nature even it was like really really hot I guess I guess it's a fun place to like party and go to Hollywood you know just make the drive down to San Diego that kind of thing versus Santa Barbara has like a more laid-back like kind of beachy vibes it's super super super bike friendly you can bike pretty much everywhere here that's what I love here and it's really outdoorsy like it's five the beach is super close the beach is like right next to campus right next to UCSB or just as UCLA is like landlocked it's across the street from Bel Air and really close to Beverly Hills in West LA Westwood Westwood Village is what it's called. that that's like the first comparison week is like just just the location the location was crazy both schools are really hot there's Southern California but UCLA I'd say was definitely a lot hotter because there wasn't like the breeze from the ocean. it was like sometimes like really and I'm not you suffering from Northern California but. yeah. there's the location I guess the biggest the big first thing that you think of or the biggest difference you would think between the two is that one housing quorum hope you know more prestigious than the other you Celia supposed to be more prestigious I can't. I'll guess I'll talk about that in terms of the curriculum I can't speak for all different majors because I was a science major UCLA was a really big school big in terms of population lots and lots of kids lots and lots of grads lots lots of grandkids grad students I think combined it was like it's like a key I don't wanna I don't want to get the number messed up but it was a huge it was a huge number it was something like 30 I want to say 30 grand 30,000 30,000 undergrads and then like maybe fifty thousand total I could be way off anyway but the other thing is is that UCLA was really small UCS B's a lot more spread out and bigger UCLA's what is the small as UC campus I think UCSF might be smaller but UCLA is if not the new Celia is the smallest and. it's really easy to like walk around campus and UCSB it's like you bike around a lot more but basically yeah. I would like I said I can't really speak for the other majors I was a science major but because UCLA was like a huge research school I found that like my teachers and my professors were as approachable they were more concerned with their research could have been different for other majors like the humanities majors but at least for my science classes my science classes were huge my lab sections were you know huge and they were all they weren't not small I UCSB either like it was still like a pretty big size but UCSB has campus-wide tutoring for all undergrads free. it's a service called clas campus learning assistant services and that that was like a huge huge lifesaver for UCLA had a tutoring program where they like pate were they certain students and like certain demographics if you were part of the advanced academic advancement program then you got you were able to take advantage of special tuning but it wasn't campus-wide and I had ap Tooting but the advantage that I found or the difference that I found between the two schools was that having the service be open to everyone having it be campus-wide really leveled out the playing field whereas at UCLA because it was quote-unquote the underprivileged kids that had access to a to the academic advancement program tutoring well the kids and fraternities and sororities had access to like lots of old tests banks and it was kind of you know they had access to these we had they had those materials we had these materials it wasn't like really fair also because UCLA because a lot of the professor's are sold at UCLA are. concerned with their grad school can change the exams that often. a lot of the old exams you know the only people had them were like people that were Greek also cheating was a huge problem at UCLA not I didn't really notice it as much at UCSB copying like cheating like during exams like how people having their phones out and that kind of thing copying old old labs because they didn't change the labs whereas at UCSB they did change the labs you couldn't simply do the same lob from previous copy the same lab report from previous classes and all our lab reports we had to upload them to an online proofreading system to make sure that we didn't plagiarize anything. that was another big notice I felt like people at UCLA were just. so desperate to get good grades that they're willing to do whatever it take and I've and then compared to UCSB I felt like people didn't resort to those measures and it was a lot more of like it was just a level playing field because everyone had access to like you know the same resources. as far as I noticed cheating didn't really didn't happen I didn't I don't say I didn't notice any going on at UCSB the way that I saw it like rampant in my science classes at UCLA why that was kind of an issue is because science classes or a lot of college classes in general are usually graded on a curve unless the classes are like you just write papers for the class. when people cheat it affects it raises the curve and it does actually affect you because now it looks like the class average is a lot higher than it actually is and if you got a lot if you got by by just studying obviously you're not gonna get you're not going to do as well as somebody who cheated just because they cheated but also you get screwed over because the class average is much higher speaking of sororities and fraternities you feel it was really Greek while I was going there about 30 percent of the student population of the student population was Greek they had a fraternity or sorority I was in a frat for two weeks when my freshman year is something like a thousand girls rushed to first storey and for something like three hundred spots it was it was ridiculous and when I went to it was very evident that like you kind of had to be Greek or it was a huge huge advantage to be Greek in academic theme because I like I told you about all the test banks and all that stuff and just having it just having like you know being in that scene and having older people in your house who taking your classes before had certain professors before been through the college experience like that's huge that that was that was you know very very evident that was huge in the academic scene social scene well I mean as a guy they you don't really get into parties unless you're a girl or you're in the frat at least that's the way it was at UCLA and not not to say that that it's not really that way here you see it wasn't that way once I got to UCSB but any well the Greek scene just wasn't that prominent at UCSB like people made friends people partied and like you know just you know have fun make people make friends and classes oh you did not make friends in classes at UCLA people did not talk to each other at least in my science classes people like what's professor started talking people shut up and put turned on their phones and started recording the lecture and like took diligent notes you did not text in class that you cou could have heard a pin drop during my lectures that you see later not the same not the same way at UCSB okay back okay. back to the front oh and then as far as like the political scene. Paul campus elections was a big deal at UCLA not. much at UCSB not. much of a big deal I think there's like maybe one party but at UCLA it was very much like the Greeks against everyone else it was like the Greeks the Jews cup like you know a few parties and then it was literally basically everyone else and. you had a significant advantage if you were in a sorority or fraternity uh becoming an elected official because boom just right there you had that huge network of people to vote for you and I know for a fact that when people went around when you people would go to like fraternities and sororities and you have everyone in the room sit down collect all the votes and then go to the necklace I know that for a fact that that kind of thing went on. those I guess the political scene academic scene those are kind of the kind of the comparisons between UCLA and UCSB I won't really go into too much more than that because if you guys if there's something that I didn't touch on in this video that you'd like me to make a comparison about I would love to please just let me know I don't think it's a secret that I enjoyed UCSB a lot more had a lot more fun at UCSB than I did at UCI made a lot more friends had enjoyed my classes a lot more because I had just I don't know a much bigger better experience overall at UCSB than I did at UCLA but anyway if there's any other comparisons that you want me to make I'd love to make another video because if I can help someone choose the right college for them then make it all over it makes this all worth it have a good day guys


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