Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford Gsb?

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Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford Gsb? - Write My Paper


Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

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Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford Gsb? - Online Custom Essay Writing Service

Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

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Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there

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Tough Love For A Qualified, Well-Rounded Engineer - Can He Get Into Stanford GSB?

hello there video friends we've got a great guy to analyze today's name is Simon this guy's got dynamite credentials he was first in his class at Hunter College you graduated summa laude he works as an engineer for Bloomberg which is a I would call it a Tier one company schools would want someone from there uh he's got a GRE of verbal 98% caught 96% and a lot of extras he's a dancer he's a hacker he's uh as I said was the valedictorian and. there's a lot going on and the question is John how would you rank this guy as a possible candidate for Harvard Stanford in Wharton man Simon is a shoo-in okay now look we know Stanford rejects 95% of the people who apply. what's the weakest thing about this guy first you know I don't think there's anything week about him I like the fact that he was on full scholarship at Hunter which is not an Ivy League or near Ivy school but it's back to reality here okay what we got is a white guy a male guy and the question is how do you break out of the white male cohort at Stanford which is very tiny and ultra competitive. the question for Stanford is does he have like an X fact that's true yeah. what's your answer yeah um this is this is where two lessons in one it's making me feel about his personal life except I do know that he was one year old when he came here with his parents from the Ukraine and he was he's a true American immigrant by virtue of that who who's worked himself up three okay stop you'd stop sequence what is standard write this down folks listening okay what does Stanford look for for real asaji stories aside from you know very good grades and very good standardized test scores when you're trying to present your X Factor the Stanford they're looking for impact beyond yourself okay overcoming adversity is good helping others overcome adversity is sometimes even better what they want is impact beyond yourself. Simon what do we got in ED. that's the question Simon tell me about x you've had an impact beyond yourself absolutely in addition to being a software engineer at Bloomberg I've also been an adjunct lecturer of computer science at my alma mater I decided to go back and teach you this that's that's not impact beyond yourself that's we're larding another thing I've done is I've been a mentor in a fellowship called hack and why it's basically a nonprofit that pairs students with startups in New York City and it's it's this program that's good that's getting warmer what else let's see I've done a lot of smaller activities for instance I've been an RA in my dorm that's been one way I've given back I've been I've been a dancer for many years. I sort of don't get me wrong I'm deeply impressed as I said at the outset we're just focusing on the real dirty down and dirty truth of that getting into Stanford Business School as a white guy right hey sandy do you know how much they pay adjunct lecturers at Hunter College don't know don't care let me tell you something they pay them peanuts beyond yourself no no get back to others now being an adjunct at Hunter colleges is resume don't get me wrong I'm all for it it's not what Stanford considers impact beyond yourself impact beyond yourself is helping other people particularly you know under-resourced people to put it widely and underrepresented people to overcome obstacles that's not it's not being an adjunct professor okay. for Stanford that would be the challenging look you might get into Stanford just based on the fact that this is solid gold but I'm telling you what they did what they look for if you know if you wanted to make it even better Stanford takes people just because they're super smart. you might get in through that cohort. what might keep you out as they say we got a lot of smart guys like you and we're gonna take the guy who also was involved in something up our alley that's all that's all I'm saying that's reasonable Simon we're your parents are your parents college educated my mother is college educated she actually ended up getting her master's degree at Hunter my father basically finished the equivalent of high school back in former Soviet Union they comment is in one of those waves from the Soviet Union yeah we came sort of as like a as refugees coming from Ukraine escaping anti-semitism. is that a story John I think it's a story even though he's the only one year old he can't remember it but he can he can bring that story to life through his parents that escaping anti-semitism has been an influence and for my parents it's been life and death. that's that's part of his story Stanford might go for that yeah I would write a the Stanford essay about things that of Influence Jews including your experience of your parents in your own tell me about working at Bloomberg what's that like what's the cultural life yeah absolutely there's definitely a culture here of kind of working hard and and fast I specifically work in our sort of Innovation Lab in Bloomberg meat yeah called beehive we kind of run experiments which is kind of as wonderful stuff you've got it on the application that's be high working in the Beehive working fast work fast break things they love stuff like that yeah and and nobody from your group typically applies to business school I not that I know of I haven't necessarily let me get to something else important I would say well I'm not gonna say that I'm just gonna ask you could you what are your goals this is real important yeah got this brilliant engineering background you're applying for an MBA yeah. kind of like the goal behind getting an MBA I have some short-term and some longer-term goals the short-term goal is in the ideal to you know become head of software to run new moonshot projects at Google X or just X formerly Google X they do these really amazing bleeding-edge life and world-changing projects that can help millions around the world. my goal would be to help run one of the new projects there or to help some of the really awesome exists and Roger thinks I often ask people I make it can't answer them who does that now. they already have people that like for instance they have here's the question I mean this is a question everyone should ask themselves whose job do I want this is not in a sense of I'm gonna go and you know take this guy out it's whose job do I want in ten years sure you should be able to every every person applying the business school should be able to answer that yeah. I think they have someone named max Braun there who's the head of software there right now which is Ben he you know he works on various. he's released some open-source projects there he's also worked on some really interesting projects surrounding their their moonshots which now I believe is public but I'm not a hundred percent sure well that's funny does he have an MBA he does not have an MBA I think okay that's not disqualified right but it helps if you can point to someone and say you know what I would like is a job I'd like to have the player I'd like to be in a role like this guy max max Braun who is the head of Google whatever it is yeah and then you have to define the various things he does yeah I found MBA like okay yeah I think that's reasonable too I think that kind of blends into the the longer-term goal which is eventually I'd like to be able to start my own company one of the goals behind this MBA is to kind of get like this foundational layer that I feel like would help expand a skill set that maybe I currently don't have definitely okay John here's a question aside from the truth of what this guy wants to do does starting his own company eventually is that a good or a bad thing to say yeah I actually think it's a good thing to say as long as you're saying that initially you want another job meaning you understand that you need to gain additional experience to make you more likely to be successful as an entrepreneur I think people love that also you know gotta remember I know that you think people who pursue startups are not necessarily the most attractive candidates to business goals but schools have invested. much money into entrepreneurship programs they do want entrepreneurial minded people well okay let's have another session with some admissions officers I'd like to cross-examine them about what you're doing is you're accepting the schools yes schools schools are singing the entrepreneur song because that's where they can get a lot of funding and donors give them if whether they're looking for entrepreneurs as whether the admissions committee is looking for entrepreneurs that's what I'm interested yeah I should also point out that I had on a panel this year the head of strategy at Google's moonshot Factory who rose and he just left to join the cryptocurrency startup but I could see where you know Simon could say the head of strategy moonshot Factory is the job I want yeah that's what you should say this guy joining this guy's not an entrepreneur this guy has let it has had a very successful career and is now doing a a trophy lap or whatever they call that thing a victory lap by leaving Google and joining some other company where he could make up you know a hundred million dollars that guy is not an entrepreneur that Maya that's my take on yep do you agree yeah yeah you see that's that's I'd like to be cold-blooded about here's also what I love about Simon he's not your typical nerd let me just put it out there a guy who does serious dancing shows a creative side to him a lot of engineers who applied to business school yeah Simon okay let's talk. okay John how does this guy not get into HBS he really screws up on the essay or the interview but he's gonna he's gonna get in it he can't not get an interview at HBS no way I'd be surprised I agree I agree with you the first time and I would really be surprised yeah. I agree with that the the HP SSA mm-hmm yeah just don't don't say something provocative you know it can be it can it can just be here here are some you know here are some things that have influenced me you don't have to the essays not gonna get you in its gonna keep you out that's something I say a lot here's my read on Simon he's a humble guy he's worked really hard he's super smart there's not a trace of arrogance or entitlement about him and you know those those two things arrogance and entitled most business schools yeah he's not gonna goof it up on that way he's gonna be innocent and too high-minded. your basic advice to Simon is what be realistic well for Harvard just the long-term goals you wrote us when you were you know you know the background for this interview was my long-term goal is to found a civic tech design okay I'm a little lost already that connects high skilled volunteers in product management engineering and design with education focused government organizations and social good initiatives okay that's the kind of writing that could get you out of someone at Harvard Business School reason says this guy that's because targeting targeting Simon what well what did you mean we can finish up with this it's important you you really you need to get your goal statement real clear yeah I think the idea there is to kind of fill a need where people want to volunteer their time people have you know high skills and they want to be able to help organizations that kind of need that help that aren't necessarily using technology to the best of their abilities. this would sort of be like the middle and don't even go there okay just say you wanna say you want to work for Google X all right makes you fall into a hole make it simple clear and easy for Sun addcom to understand well this is what I've been just a few minutes on your application what I mean by the the sa Kim ding you it cannot get you in yeah all right this is if that would if you wrote an essay like that that essay could damage you okay all you need is an essay that that disappears they go sure you wrote the essay who kit yet right you wrote the essay yeah he's a Russian immigrant he worked in technology he wants to you know start an impactful software firm right that's what you want him to say nothing special there but look at the guy stats we want them in this blue my simplified okay don't get in the weeds stanford odds sandy 40% whoa harvard same boy yeah harvard just don't mess up the interview you should get an interview and then you know harvard interviews people and a lot of a lot of great people just say a few things wrong during the interview and it's hard MIT sloan well but he's got to do is convince them he wants to go there which it shouldn't be hard and you know what that means that means they'll assume you're Harvard and Stanford that's right no MIT snow it's not like peeling on them they do not like Dean sloppy seconds they've got a real Geiger counter and that's true of Carnegie Mellon Chicago Booth and Cornell Tech his other targets yeah and I'll tell you if you don't get into Harvard or Stanford you want to go to MIT or Carnegie Mellon got it thanks thanks for the suggestion okay all right goodbye Sandi goodbye Simon and good luck to you um we you can heal from those odds we have a very high opinion of you yes. thank you I appreciate that good luck all right this is John Byrne with parts of quads thanks for watching Friday with sandy bye bye good luck to all of you out there


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