Pre-College Summer: Things To Do Before College!! | Uchicago

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Pre-College Summer: Things To Do Before College!! | Uchicago - Write My Paper


Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

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Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

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Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you

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Pre-College Summer: Things to do BEFORE College!! | UChicago

so I very last minute he decided to record this video the reason being I was gonna record it over spring break like I swear to God I was gonna do it in New York and then I came back and I was just I just picked up my books there's actually one more that this phone is standing on because click down there and bring her a little phone stand but thank you. much to the friends who got it for me. here I am look like an idiot in front but the quietest place I can find on campus which is actually behind the you Chicago bookstore. this is the bookstore this building right here and I'm waiting for a friend a cop. stop that I like a thirty minute extra I was like why not record a video this video is gonna be very nice and simple what are a few things that I should have done before I went to college I regret them I think about that every day don't make my same mistakes first of all. when they tell you that you need to have fun take that into account like I just spent half of my Spring Break job shadowing at like firms and banks the grind is real like it doesn't stop - at least in high school if you go to break I can get into college for college stop. have fun but second of all pick a skill I didn't think about this at all and then I got here as an in college and then I realized oh. many people do all of these interesting things over their summer and I want the time do you know just like just just like sit down and you know like who learned something and like do something that I want to do time boom gone consumed partially by these guys but more importantly just by our own schedule I would highly recommend you to do computer science go like learn Python online the reason why I say like neuroscience is just because it has the most developed resources for learning it online do like codecademy the Khan Academy do Coursera EDX which is free you can do all of these like like like smaller programs are like completely free or like ten dollars for like a hundred hour program and I from what I hear at least they are pretty comprehensive third thing is that develop good habits I recently finished this book called atomic habits please read it I have the PDF if you're interested because not entirely legal but also weren't on the illegal routes but I read it and it really changed my perspective on how to develop to it habits I'm not saying like you know be like the kind of person that like sleeps at 10:30 every night wakes up at 6 a.m. and like just a bunch of in the morning goes to the gym like three times a week or once a week or or at all hooked by the to sentence summary of that book is essentially don't be a goal-oriented person I just want to say that I am the most goal-oriented person I know. that book when I say really change my perspective I really mean it I'm not saying like don't have goals that you like want to set and things like that but I'm saying that they're not everything be a system oriented person. for example right I want to lose 10 kilograms by the end of this year that is a goal a system of thinking would be I want to be a healthier person and then the book basically argues that you can only build sustainable habits if you do system wise thinking oh well this action make me a healthier person or will this action help me to reach my goal the ladder is apparently shown by a bunch of fancy studies to be not sustainable once you reach you cut that like 10 10 kilograms have a medically you immediately switch back to me like that original person what I would recommend to you is try to identify your habits first keep a little list write down like about what is one of the things I do and what time and then like try to see which parts of yourself you want to slowly start to change the reason why I say this is because in college you don't really have a time for like a lot of time for self-reflection at least might invite like experience a lot of its consumed by like socializing over the feeling that you need to socialize or go into class just classwork in general just Chicago. take the time like a couple months beforehand and really you don't like get yourself there fourth thing I would say to catch up on before you come to college is high school knowledge if you like cram for some exam the materials and you don't have anything to do trying to revisit it might be a good idea their only reason I'm saying that is because a lot of people when they come to college they'll be like oh I'll take this class oh actually I'll take the higher version of it because I learned this in high school right but did you actually I know a lot of people who did like hog BC but then they when they took like theory in college don't turn out to a while. I would definitely say like just make sure you have your foundation straight my last point is just I put way too much attention into focusing on like researching you Chicago and researching what clubs I wanted to join and honestly when you read on paper is very different to when you get here when you actually see and experience and people you meet don't don't don't think too much about it I would say the one thing that you a hundred percent need to do before you come to you Chicago is research your classes figure out it what year what you want to do take that like extra like how long to take like an hour two hours go read all the major websites like you might be interested in go read up on the study abroad program. you might want to go read up on the different classes and start doing research on the professors that you want to take because they are actually really really important I was super blessed to land into a really good Hume class the correct few professor as well as like my bio class I really loved because I'm not a bio person and. the bio class is amazing for someone like me but the point being is that like do your research right reach out to alumni do every search that's like my last point is that number six number five I mean like that's basically it don't overthink it put your time in the correct places. like don't find too much for college it's going to be different for whatever you think the experience is different for every I'm guessing there's a huge crowd of students coming my way presumably from some important thing to do with my college I learn how to ride a bike boy can you ride a bike yes everyone has their preferred modes of transportation I prefer to ride on my two legs this is the glorious Regenstein everybody you


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